We are crowdfunding! Own shares in your very own comedy channel - reserve your shares here

The Chronicles of Each Other

What's it all about

We are a comedy duo called HA! Productions - made up of Henry and Ant, and our show: "The Chronicles of Each Other (And Other Stories) started life this year as a 10 minute stage set at the Museum of Comedy. We were well recieved and ready to go on to more gigs that we had booked in. Enter COVID. Over the last 8 months we have turned that original idea into a 20 minute sketch show for TV. It's unlike the sketch shows that have been popular on TV recently - it isn't 'sketch/cut/sketch/cut' etc... - we love the theatre and want to bring as much of that experience to viewers as possible. There is little or no fourth wall and you see us moving between sketches and getting into costume and character. On stage, these moments often bring their own comedy, and it would be a shame to remove them just for the sake of a different medium so we want to bring this joy of theatre to the screen!

That's how we start - we have written some more episodes that will come after, but we want to get this filmed and looking slick so we have a tangible, physical thing to market ourselves with. Our ultimate goal is for our material to come out as more of an anthology of our work than purely a stage show - for those of you that have seen 'Love, Death and Robots' on Netflix, where each episode is a different length, form and style; that is what we are ultimately aiming for. We want a brand that can show us, and everyone who takes part, off to the best we possibly can... But one thing at a time! The first step is getting this first bit filmed and ready to market, and then we'll start looking to the future - I hope that this has got at least some of you interested; we would love to work with you, and to see what skills you can bring!





1 Video

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Funding Progress

Goal £3,000
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Anthony Marulanda-Carter & Henry Thompson - artistic directors/writers/actors

You can send us a Direct Message with the "Message" button above, and click the follow button to keep up to date with this project.

We are looking for :

Above anything else, we are looking for a producer to help us push this project to the next level - we are actors and writers, and need help when it comes to fully producing this show! I have in my roster of creative friends a cameraman and editor, and am technically sorted to go as early as possible in the New Year, if that became a reality (but obviously, beside my enthusiasm, I am aware that a healthy dose of realism is in order!). We are also going to be looking for someone who has experience marketing and running social media pages - I have some experience with this but I'm not that confident when it comes to the running a social media page, as there has always been another person in the project who has run that in previous ventures! We will be hands on with it, and not wanting to relinquish full responsibility, but we do need help!
Above anything else, we are looking for a producer to help us push this project to the next level - we are actors and writers, and need help when it comes to fully producing this show! I have in my roster of creative friends a cameraman and editor, and am technically sorted to go as early as possible in the New Year, if that became a reality (but obviously, beside my enthusiasm, I am aware that a healthy dose of realism is in order!). We are also going to be looking for someone who has experience marketing and running social media pages - I have some experience with this but I'm not that confident when it comes to the running a social media page, as there has always been another person in the project who has run that in previous ventures! We will be hands on with it, and not wanting to relinquish full responsibility, but we do need help!